Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Oh, the wind ......

is blowing again ........ Yesterday was calm, fairly warm, and Sunny for the day. Alas, it did not last. Over night we had rain, and I do believe it gives rain and/or snow for the next few days. Dream will not be liking the potty arrangements. This picture was taken this past October.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

And the drum goes 'round 'n 'round .....

......... the drum of my dryer, that is!

I was outside earlier for a short walk with Dream. Had hoped to take the opportunity to get some new pics of her; however, the wind had come up and we were in the midst of a snow shower. Neither one of us wished to tarry outside for long, though I did go back out with my camera for a couple of quick shots. One is the new blog picture of one of my snowy heathers out in the backyard, and I had to be sure and get a picture of Shel's woodpile. :-) Woodpiles are like barns and old buildings ..... they make a good subject for a camera, don't you think? Btw, I had to tread softly while on the wood verhandah as it was covered with a sheer coating of ice. Didn't want to do any fancy dance steps onto my face this morning.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Rain ....... again .......

Well, what can I say? ........ It's better than ice covering everything to make surfaces slick and slippery, and a danger to all ....... though, even rain presents its own dangers to mankind. I took out two buckets of ashes a while ago, and have now lit a fire in the wood furnace to provide domestic hotwater and ward off the chills of a rainy day. Enjoyed a nice weekend with hubby and am looking forward to his return on Thursday afternoon. Housework and laundry await me in the shadows ..... my oh my, what an exciting life I lead!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Something speaks to my soul .......

from this excerpt ..........

"Country life is a dream, a moment's observance of nature's wonders, the beauty of freedom, and the struggles of hard work. It's a sense of life I don't think you can capture completely in town; it's a way of life I hope my children will experience one day. I hope they'll taste a jar of wild plum jam or see a newborn calf and be able to picture pleasant memories. And who knows, one day maybe they'll begin to sense something special about the land. Maybe they'll feel the call to pick up a pair of reins, dust off a secondhand saddle, and feel the power of twelve hundred pounds of horse beneath them. Maybe they'll smell the sweat, see the indescribable beauty, and feel the love and quiet companionship these animals can share, discovering that they too have a legacy as children of the land."

Child of the Land by Cindy French .......... One of the many short stories in the book Leaning into the Wind, edited by Linda Hasselstrom, Gaydell Collier, and Nancy Curtis.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Did you know ......

that if you go to bed at 7:30pm because you've already been up for over 16 hours, and are weary after a very busy day, that your next new day can begin again at 10:30pm?! Really it can!! Must have been a 'power snooze' is all I can figure out.


"Why is it that so many of us persist in thinking that autumn is a sad season? Nature has merely fallen asleep, and her dreams must be beautiful if we are to judge by her countenance." - Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

It's happening again .....

I'm suffering writer's block whenever I try to blog on blogger. Grrrrr ........ It's this love/hate relationship that we seem to have ........

Dumping Day took place yesterday here in SouthWest Nova and it was good that no major problems were encountered by anyone that I had heard of ........ no injuries and/or loss of life Praise the Lord! My son and son-in-law, who are both hired crew members of two individual lobster boats, had a safe day and each boat was able to get their traps set without incident. Their boats left the wharf again at 11:30 last evening as they can start hauling the traps at midnight. Jonathan's boat fishes inside the islands; however, Gene's fishes outside, which means a few hour's steam to arrive at their fishing grounds. Hoping for many lobsters in the pots and a decent price at the buyer's.