Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Snow in NS

Hello ......

I'm back again. Busy January ..... have even done some snow shovelling. Imagine that in NS during the winter, if you will! lol Trip to the dentist the other day ....... that went well.

Have been anxious since the earthquake in Haiti waiting for some local friends and acquaintances to make it out of the country safely. They arrived yesterday to the welcoming arms of their families and friends. Being volunteer mission workers at a Haitian orphange during a major earthquake was probably the last thing they thought that they would be experiencing when they left NS, and having to be evacuated via a Canadian Forces military airplane. PTL that they are safely back.

We lost a dear friend and neighbour last evening to a sudden aneursym ........ so sad ........ my heart goes out to his wife and family ......

Sunday, January 3, 2010


It's been snowing here ...... big time! Maybe two feet on the level ........ is that enough for ya?! Poor Dream looks overwhelmed every time that she steps outside! Perhaps her primitive bones are wondering what in time has happened to her world?? This is not the Congo!! Despite the weather yesterday, my body was kind to me and kept working well up into the evening ..... PTL!! What a blessing to have a day that is 'almost' pain free!! Hoping for another one today!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


"So long as we are loved by others I should say that we are almost indispensable; and no man is useless while he has a friend." - Robert Louis Stevenson.

Friday, January 1, 2010

It's a new day ......

at the start of a new year ....... and it looks like this outside ........
A heavy snowfall warning is in effect, so that means there will be a deeper layer out there later. Will I be eager for a romp in the snow with Dream? We'll see ...... :-) .......